Monday, May 5, 2008

Waste Audit

Today, THS students went through and sorted out trash.

First, they had the classroom trash.
Second, they weighed the bag to see how much was in it.
Third, they dumped out all the trash in the bag onto the tarp.
Fourth, they sorted out all the trash into different piles, which is why they threw all the trash on the tarp.
Finally, they weighed the piles. they weighed upto about 7 lbs. 60% was paper, 30% food scraps, and 10% plastic bottles.

Classes can really contribute to recycling. They can reduce the use and throwing away pieces of paper. They can very well use both sides of the paper and save the scraps as scratch paper, or find another use for it, besides dumping it into the trash.

The major way classes can reduce consumption and disposal of materials is to REUSE the materials. Wasting perfectly good materials is not the answer.
The 4R's can be applied to materials in the trash by finding a way to reusing them and rotting them. This process helps us, because it's part of recycling.

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